Easyfit products are self-powered switches and sensors that use wireless standards, such as EnOcean, Bluetooth Low Energy and Zigbee, to enable intelligent, energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions.
Bent Soerensen T +1.801.312 0116 bent.soerensen@enocean.com
Component Distributors, Inc. T +1.800.777 7334 sales@cdiweb.com www.cdiweb.com/Manufacturer/enocean
Mat Hanson T +44.1 896.758 781 mhanson@holderstechnology.com www.holderstechnology.com
Dietmar Appolt T +49.635.24 04 220 dappolt@holderstechnology.com www.holderstechnology.com
Antonio Creazza T +39.0444.573398 info@ecesrl.com www.ecesrl.com